Monday, November 30, 2009

Cyber Monday Sales!!

For all you bargain hunters out there:
Cyber Monday Sale in Serendipity:
Free Shipping on all purchases $50 and over!
Also, any purchase of both yarn AND needles will include a free tote bag (perfect size for a small project!).
Sale ends at 12AM Pacific Time Tuesday morning.

I know I'll be hunting for some bargains myself! The past few years I have done almost all of my shopping online. It's easy, quick and you don't have to deal with all the traffic and stress involved with going to the big stores. So have fun and let me know if you find any good deals, I'll post some myself if I see anything really good!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday Sale!

Hello all, I hope everyone had a nice holiday and was fortunate enough to be able to stuff themselves silly and spend time with family members and loved ones.

Some updates in the Shop:
1st up is our Black Friday Sale:
Also, any purchase of both yarn AND needles will include a free tote bag (perfect size for a small project!).
Sale ends at 12AM EST Saturday morning.
Free Shipping will continue through the weekend as well!

Also, Serendipity is now on Facebook, so please stop by our page and become a Fan!
Happy shopping to those venturing out and please remember the true reason for the season!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Craft Show in the AM

Well, I have no pictures because my camera is currently shot (no pun intended!) but first thing in the AM Serendipity will be at the Valley Central High School Holiday Craft Festival. Stop by and get some holiday shopping done, (wouldn't it be nice to avoid all the crowds!). It is from 10am-3pm.
Hopefully tomorrow night I will get some serious blogging done (is any of it really "serious"?!?) and upload some pics I have sitting here (Rhinebeck, anyone??).
Also, be sure to check back on Wednesday for the upcoming sales in the shop for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I have lots to be thankful for and will be passing that appreciation on!